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Friday, September 18, 2015

How Would We Build Homes on Another Planet?

If we are going to eventually try to live on another planet (like Mars), we will need to build some kind of structure to live in. But, it would be very difficult (and expensive) to send enough building materials to create a small civilization on Mars in a series of rockets. One solution to this problem is to create habitat structures on Mars from 3-D printing technology, using materials found on that planet.

NASA even created a competition, called the 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge, as a part of their Centennial Challenges program, to develop these ideas. The designs of the top 30 finalists have been recently released to the public, and represent an impressive variety of sizes, shapes, and features. Check out just a few of these designs below!

You can view all the habitat designs and read more about each one at this website:

To learn more about the 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge, visit this link:

Want to participate in a NASA Centennial Challenge? No experience needed!! Just visit this website:

Anthropologist's Note: Throughout history, humans around the world have created living structures that vary in size, shape, and type of building material. These housing differences have helped people adapt to different environments, protected them from weather, and provided space to do daily activities, such as sleeping and cooking. When we try to create a community on another planet, will we create a diversity of living structures, to see which one(s) allow us to adapt the most to the new environment?

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