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Tuesday, December 06, 2016

A Kid's Guide to Being a Scientist--Starting Now! (Part 1 of 7)

I was so honored to be interviewed by the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) recently, and have an article written about me published on their website. ( Sometimes people are surprised when they meet me or see pictures of me in articles like that one, because I have multiple disabilities, but I am still a scientist! I have a rare muscle disease that makes it hard to do some things, like walk and breathe. But I can still use a computer, so now I find ways to do science using the internet! 

The MDA asked me during my interview if I had advice for kids who want to explore science and space, and so I would like to share some suggestions here on my blog through a total of 7 tips. You can start being a scientist today, right now, and I will show you how! Since I find ways to use the internet to do science, I would like to share some ways that YOU can use the internet to do science, too! I have included links to several online websites that have great science resources. Of course, these are not the only places that have great science stuff--there are lots of other opportunities out there. These are just a few sites that I know about and I'd like to share with you, so you can have a starting point. So, go start being a scientist right now!

TIP #1 of 7: Become a Citizen Scientist! 

Anyone can assist with real ongoing science projects, which is called Citizen Science! There are lots of Citizen Science programs, but two well-known places to find them are Zooniverse and SciStarter. Try using a search engine like Google to find more projects. You can do many of these science projects right from your home computer. If you like Space, then try CosmoQuest, GalaxyZoo, and the Space-related projects listed on Zooniverse and SciStarter. You can do cool stuff like classify images of galaxies, map the surface of the moon, or identify images taken from spacecraft!

(Image Credit: GalaxyZoo)

(Image Credit: CosmoQuest)

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