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Friday, September 04, 2015

Create Your Own NASA Mars Rover!

Want a cool #STEM project to do with your kids after school? (No kids? Just want something cool to do on your own?) Why not create your own 3D printed NASA Mars Rover? You can download the model for the Curiosity Mars Rover for free from NASA at this website:

Curiosity has been studying Mars for three years now, and sending back lots of important information and great pics of the planet. You can learn more about the rover and her discoveries at this website:

Anthropologist's Note: People and their relationship with robotic space rovers (like Curiosity) has been a subject of much discussion among space professionals. They are interacted with in a human-like manner, given personalities on social media, and grieved for when they cease to function on distant celestial objects. I will be returning to this topic in future posts!

(Image Credit: NASA)

(photo credit: NASA)

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