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Friday, September 04, 2015

Going to Space Makes You Think More Like an Anthropologist!

When astronauts go to space, they experience something that astronaut Ron Garan has called the "Orbital Perspective." It has also been called the "Overview Effect." It has been described as a feeling of connectedness with humanity and the planet, brought about by looking down at the Earth from orbit. World problems seem different when viewed from a global viewpoint, and the potential benefits of international cooperation become more apparent. Space professionals from different nations already cooperate each day on the ISS (International Space Station), even though they have different languages, cultures, and customs. The Orbital Perspective/Overview Effect way of thinking is very similar to how Anthropologists are taught to approach issues. Anthropologists, with their cultural training, have much to contribute in worldwide efforts to increase international cooperation in order to work toward a better planet for us all!

You can read a great article tallking about Ron Garan and the Orbital Perspective here:

(Image Credit: Scott Kelley, NASA Astronaut currently spending a #YearInSpace on the ISS)

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