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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Stand" on the Moon--For FREE!

Here is your chance to "stand" on the Moon--for FREE! Well, you can't really stand on the surface of the Moon--yet--but you can send a photo of your feet (or your footprints or your shoes) to the Moon! And all this is free, thanks to a project called "Footsteps on the Moon" through Lunar Mission One!

Lunar Mission One is a multi-part moon project, with the core idea of being a mission for everyone. The creators of this project hope that as many people as possible get involved in some way! The project is backed by countless top scientists, and funded by the public. I am proud to be a founding backer via their Kickstarter campaign. Their project goals include analyzing lunar rocks, looking into a lunar base, placing a time capsule on the Moon, and more! It is an amazing and ambitious project! Go "to the Moon" with Lunar Mission One by sending them your footsteps, to be sent to the Moon in 2017 on the Astrobotic Lander!

Ready to "stand" on the moon? Just visit this link:

Want some information about Lunar Mission One? Here's a page with more details:

Be sure to follow Lunar Mission One on social media for the latest information and updates! Their Twitter and Facebook information is below, and more social media options are available at the footer of any of their web pages.

Twitter: @LunarMissionOne

Anthropologist's Note: For many years, access to space exploration has been limited to a relatively small group of select people, such as space scientists and astronauts. The Lunar Mission One program, with the idea that it is a "mission to the Moon for everyone," is significantly expanding access to involvement in the space sector. In addition, the unusual funding structure of this program has made others in the space industry take note, especially since the project quickly raised over one million dollars from the general public during the initial Kickstarter campaign. Lunar Mission One is definitely a project to keep your eyes on! They continue to present a variety of opportunities for the average person to become involved in the project's space activities. Some of these opportunities are linked to financial contributions (at a range of price levels), and related merchandise is promoted as well. People who do not wish to contribute financially, or more importantly--cannot afford to--are still able to take part in many aspects of Lunar Mission One. Be sure to check out their website for other ways to get involved in Lunar Mission One, in addition to sending your footsteps to the Moon!

(Image Credit: Lunar Mission One website)

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